ScottBot is a Discord chat bot that was developed using the module of Python3. Scottbot is designed to be modular in nature, and easily upgraded with new features because of this. Currently, he has 'fun', 'gambling', and 'moderation' modules, each with their own commands, listed below. ScottBot has the ability to flip coins, roll dice, moderate members of the Discord server, call external APIs, and more!

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ScottBot's Commands

Command Description
.ban @user Bans the mentioned user from the guild indefinitely, with a reason argument after the command. This value is set to none by default, so if no reason is entered, 'none' will show up in logs.
.kick @user Kicks the mentioned user from the guild, with a reason argument after the command. This value is set to none by default, so if no reason is entered, 'none' will show up in logs.
.changepreset <punctuation> Changes the default command preset from a period to something else. This can be a string, number, or punctuation.
.compliment @user Scottbot compliments the mentioned user.
.insult @user Scottbot insults the mentioned user.
.animalfact <animal> Scottbot tells you a fact and shares a random image of the chosen animal through a series of API calls. Works for dogs, cats, koalas, foxes, pandas, and birds.
.conch <question> Ask the Almighty Conch a question... if you dare!
.coinflip Scottbot flips a coin.
.roll <dice> Scottbot rolls any of the 'common' dice - 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d20, and 1d100.